With the huge number of different things to get right when you are moving house, it can often be difficult to keep track of all of the various costs that come with each process. You will no doubt be feeling some anxiety over the notion that you are not completely aware of where your money is going at all times, so it is best to have a good idea of the exact reasons for spending what you do well in advance of actually having to pay these balances. If you are able to get a decent plan in place, then the whole process will be a lot smoother and more relaxed, simply for being more simple! It does not take a lot of work to get these sorts of things in place, but it is hard to know where to start sometimes, so be sure to have a look over the following ideas as to how you can ensure that your money is in the right hands!
First off, give yourself enough time to plan such things out. You will no doubt be able to get a lot more done over a longer period of time if you have a detailed plan of how you are going to do it all, rather than blindly trying to get everything sorted at the last minute. Stress and panic will only breed more stress and panic, as they lead to mistakes and mistakes will often mean having to spend cash on fixing them! Get together with your removals team and set out the plan, ensuring that you put costs and estimates next to each process that needs sorting for the move to go ahead.
If you give yourself this sort of time period, then you can spend a bit of time working out ways of doing things cheaper. This does not mean looking for the lowest price, but the best value. Sure, a man and van company may claim to be a lot cheaper than the removals companies that you have been looking at, but further inspection will likely show that you would not be covered if the untrained staff dropped your TV, which would immediately mean that you were paying more than you normally would have! Things like this take a bit of time to work out, so ensure that you have that time on your side. Look in to the prices of removals companies, storage types, packing boxes and materials, and the best ways to get other elements of the move sorted for a decent amount of money. |
Ensure that you are protected against the unknown. Many people assume that the process of moving house if fairly straightforward, when in fact the opposite is true. You will find that all sorts of things can go wrong that are out of your control, especially on the day of the move. If your estate agent is a little busier than they expected, then there can be a delay in getting the keys to the new place, for example, and this obviously means that your removals company will be waiting around for you to get them in to the house. Many removers will charge for this waiting period, and you will need to be protected against this sort of freak accident with what some companies supply as a ‘waiting times waiver’. Ask your firm about it in advance, as it is yet another element of the move that could be costing you more if you haven’t got it sorted in advance!