It does not matter if you are renting a truck and handling the move with friends or if you hire movers, you don’t want to see anyone injured during the process. Keep in mind that you may know exactly where to step over the uneven sidewalk, but that does not mean someone helping you won’t end up tripping over it while carrying boxes, and become seriously hurt. Following these tips will help ensure that your moving day goes as smooth as possible.
- Weight Check – Just because there is more room in a box does not mean you should keep loading stuff in it. Boxes should not exceed 50 pounds. It does not matter how strong you are, when you are lifting heavy boxes over and over again all day, it will take a toll on your body. Also, if there are a lot of stairs at either location, you may want to make the boxes even a little lighter than this. It is better for someone to make a few extra trips than throw their back out.
- Property Inspection – You need to walk the sidewalk, driveway, hallway, parking lot, etc., in both locations, and make sure there are no obstacles in the way. Maybe there was not a dog toy in the way yesterday, but you could be dodging a maze of balls and bones today.
- Mark Hazards – Although you won’t be able to fix that uneven sidewalk before the movers arrive, you can make sure that the hazard is clearly marked; sidewalk chalk or colored duct tape could be helpful. You may also want to make sure the first step is accented with a sign stuck in the ground, or something similar that will draw the eye whether people are ascending or descending.
- Use Mats – Moisture can cause a problem, but rain and snow are not always to blame. Walking across the lawn with fresh morning dew will make shoes slippery. Line the path with rubber mats or outdoor carpets. This will keep people safe, plus it will help keep the inside of both homes clean.
- Eye Level Concerns – Hazards are not always at the ground. If movers are walking under or beside a tree, a stray branch that has grown in a weird location or that is simply at eye level could hurt someone. You need to remove the branch or make sure everyone walks around it.
- Dress Appropriately – Flip flops or heels are not appropriate for moving day, nor are clothes that are so baggy they can get snagged on something. Wear proper fitting clothes, and shoes with adequate tread.
- Kids and Pets – If possible have your child spend the day with a babysitter, nanny, or family member. There is no reason for them to be in the way. Not only can they get seriously hurt they could get in the way. If you have a friend who will watch your dog for a day this is ideal. Alternatively, you can drop him at the new house before the movers arrive in the morning, then you can move him outside or in the garage while they are moving the boxes into your new home. Dogs are very prone to running away during a move because of all the commotion, and unfortunately, they are not familiar with the area to find their way back. If you have not already micro-chipped your pet, now would be a good time.